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Who is Violet?

I feel like that question has had many answers throughout my life, and it will likely have many more answers before my journey is done, but here's a brief recap that's accurate as of right now.


Before dedicating myself to writing full-time, I spent fifteen years immersed in wedding planning and five years teaching in a middle-school classroom–both of which gave me countless stories and experiences to draw from for writing inspiration!

I absolutely love to travel, and planning a trip is almost as much fun for me as actually going. I am a fanatic about all things movies–quotes, trailers, awards shows, midnight premieres, marathons, trivia, the smell of popcorn. If it’s movie-related, I’m in.

I’m a drama queen. A hopeless romantic. A wife. A mom. A friend. Chronically five to ten minutes late despite my best intentions. Moderately disorganized. Overly passionate and fiercely loyal.


I love to laugh and I cry at pretty much anything remotely sappy. I love stories with happy endings, and I believe we can change the world if we try.

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